
what is drug addiction

Many people, but not all, start using a drug or first engage in an activity voluntarily. Addiction is an inability to stop using a substance or engaging in a behavior even though it may cause psychological or physical harm. This leads people to compulsively use drugs in search of another euphoric “high.” The consequences of these neurological changes can be either temporary or permanent. There are several levels of intensity of substance use treatment. The medications and treatment program recommended will be based on each individual’s situation.

what is drug addiction

Biden officials take credit for ‘largest drop’ in overdose deaths. Experts are more cautious

However, treatment usually involves medication, counseling, and community support. Anyone using substances, even socially, should discuss them with a doctor to ensure safe use and monitor for signs or symptoms of addiction. When a person has addiction and stops taking the substance or engaging in the behavior, they may experience certain symptoms. Addiction is a chronic condition that can also result from taking medications.

Genetic and Molecular Factors

  • They point out that only a tiny proportion of those who engage in digital or video gaming activities—notably those who have impaired control over the activity and spend excessive amounts of time at it—are at risk for the diagnosis.
  • For example, a person who drinks alcohol heavily on a night out may experience both the euphoric and harmful effects of the substance.
  • During the initial stage of abstinence, an individual who suffers from chemical dependency may need help avoiding or decreasing the effects of withdrawal.
  • These drugs mimic a hormone that interacts with a region of the brain – the mesolimbic system – to reduce appetite and trigger satisfaction after eating.
  • It is best to reduce the dose of the drug gradually or have a medication that helps mitigate withdrawal symptoms.

Another distinguishing feature of addictions is that individuals continue to pursue the activity despite the physical or psychological harm it incurs, even if it the harm is exacerbated by repeated use. Typically, one’s tolerance to a substance increases as the body adapts to its presence. Regardless of the treatment approach, each method offers education about addiction and recovery. This may include topics like making life changes to support what is drug addiction recovery, being honest, seeking help when needed, and practicing self-care.

Commonly Abused Opioids

what is drug addiction

People with substance use disorder usually struggle with relapse for their entire lives and often go through continuous cycles of intoxication, withdrawal, and preoccupation with the substance. Though there are risk factors for developing substance use disorder, anyone can develop it. Treatment is available for people struggling with substance use disorder. If you or someone you know is living with addiction, you may feel overwhelmed and out of control. With professional medical treatment and commitment, millions of people have overcome substance use disorders and behavioral addictions to alcohol rehab live happy, healthy lives. Talk to your provider about a treatment plan that works for you.

Mental Health Newsletter

This work has paved the way for the development of a variety of therapies that effectively help people reduce or abstain from alcohol and drug misuse and regain control over their lives. In spite of this progress, our understanding of how substance use affects the brain and behavior is far from complete. Four research areas are specifically emphasized in the text below. Regardless of which one might influence the development of the other, mental and substance use disorders have overlapping symptoms, making diagnosis and treatment planning particularly difficult. For example, people who use methamphetamine for a long time may experience paranoia, hallucinations, and delusions that may be mistaken for symptoms of schizophrenia. And, the psychological symptoms that accompany withdrawal, such as depression and anxiety, may be mistaken as simply part of withdrawal instead of an underlying mood disorder that requires independent treatment in its own right.

The brain

what is drug addiction

They continue to use drugs compulsively despite the negative consequences. Nevertheless, people can and do recover from addiction, often on their own. If not on their own, people can recover with the help of their social network or a treatment provider. Smoking is often considered one of the most difficult expressions of addiction to change. Yet, the vast majority of smokers who stopped quit on their own! = It is important to remember that the process of overcoming an addiction often requires many attempts.

What are warning signs that you or a loved one may have a drug abuse and addiction disorders?

what is drug addiction

People with drug addictions continue to use drugs compulsively, despite the negative effects. Several different medications are given while a person is going through detox; these drugs help safely manage a person’s withdrawal symptoms. The exact type of medication given during detox depends on the recovering person’s drug of choice. There are specific ages that make a person more likely to develop a substance use problem. Adolescence is a particularly risky time due to the developing, not-yet-mature brain. Thus, drug use causes changes in the brain that can result in a lack of self-control and poor decision-making and judgment.

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